Look, you don’t need me to tell you how delicious smoked meat is. If you’re on this site, it’s because you love the many various ways you can enjoy letting the carnivore side of you out, and there are few ways to transform the meat and infused it with flavors the way that smoking can. Like a crock pot, it’s also a guarantee of a great meal if you have even basic competence in how to use it.
While smoking meat is a great way to really infuse those robust flavors into the dishes and bring that barbecue to life. I love inviting friends over for a day of fun and socializing while the smoker gets closer and closer to delivering a top notch delicious meal. However, along with the wanted guests is likely to be some unwanted guests and we’re not talking about dogs with those adorable begging eyes you can’t say no to.
Nope, it’s flies. It’s not uncommon for flies to be attracted to the smoky environment, which can be both a nuisance and a potential health concern. They’re drawn by the food, the aroma, the smells, and can put an irritating damper on the festivities.
The good news is that by understanding how flies smell and track down smoking meat you will be able to take preparation to at least minimize the annoyance. So let’s jump in to learn more.

Why Smoked Meat Attracts Flies
The main reason flies are attracted to smoked meat is the tantalizing aroma of the food. Which means, yes, even if you hate it, we all have something very much in common with the common annoying house fly.
House flies are capable of detecting scents from nearly 4 miles away, which means when the fragrant smoke comes out from the smoker, you’re going to catch the attention of local pests all around. As the fragrant smoke travels through the air, in the same way it can draw welcome neighbors or bring the kids back in, it’s an open signal that draws in the flies, too, and if you live in an area with smoke flies, there’s only so much you can do.
Flies are attracted to the scent of food, and a major part of smoking meat is the amazing smells that give a hint of the taste to comes. Since the meat smoking process can last many, many hours, that is plenty of time for the aroma to get out and around.
While you might not be able to eliminate flies in an outside area, there are some steps you can take to minimize the issues and keep the meat smoking and outdoor dining area at least at a manageable level.
How Season Influences Fly Infestations
During warmer months, fly infestations tend to increase. This shouldn’t come as a surprise since the warmer temperatures are conducive to their breeding and survival. As a result, it is during these seasons that smoking meat outdoors can attract a higher number of flies. They are drawn to the smell and heat generated by the smoking process, and are hoping to find places to lay eggs – they don’t have any ability to understand the different between raw meat that will rot in the wild (good for their reproduction) and what’s going onto the smoker at high heat.
So if you always felt like there were a lot more flies buzzing around the smoker in late spring or summer versus autumn or winter, you weren’t crazy: this is actually in line with what to expect.
How Different Foods Attract Flies
Flies are omnivorous and are attracted to a wide variety of foods, especially those with strong odors, but many flies prefer rotting or fragrant organic matter which is often easier to catch with meat.
When you go with smoking meat since it is full of proteins and fats, emits an enticing smell that can be detected by flies even from an impressive distance. The smell of cooking food in BBQ smoke is just too appealing for them to resist. Again, much like people who have a good taste in food.
Additionally, other aromatic food items commonly used in BBQ, such as spices, fruits, and sauces, can also attract flies. Any sauces or side dishes that are just sitting outside are going to attract flies and other bugs, as well.
The Relation Between Flies and Different Smells
Flies possess a remarkable ability to detect smells from miles away, as demonstrated by that fact I already mentioned about regular house flies being able to detect smells from almost four miles away. This makes sense as flies need a range to be able to detect smells that bring them to food rich areas.
Meat is one of those things that occurs naturally in nature and because of that anything with meat smells is going to attract flies. In addition to this, smoking meat brings out the smell and flavor. That’s why it’s such a good way to prepare the meat but when smell-wise you “Super meat the meat” then you’re going to have to deal with pests.
Effect of Other Outdoor Factors on Attracting Flies
Other factors in the outdoor environment could contribute to an increase in flies around your smoker. The presence of garbage or organic waste near your BBQ area can also draw in flies. Certain bugs are attracted to CO2 which comes from breathing which means, yes, having a crowd around the backyard means more CO2 which also means more people often means more flies.
But at least the food is good, right?
To minimize fly infestations while smoking meat, it is essential to maintain a clean environment, protect your food, and be aware of these outdoor factors.
Why Smoked Meat is Attractive To Flies
There are multiple reasons why flies might be drawn to smoked meat and it is possible that smoking the same meat in the same location can have a ton of flies around at one smoking and not very many at another. The following are the most common reasons this can happen.
Influence of Season on Fly Infestation
During warmer seasons, flies tend to thrive and reproduce, leading to more frequent infestations. Barbecues and smoked meat become particularly attractive food sources during these months as the odor from the cooking process travels through the air, drawing in flies from their surroundings.
Species of Flies Attracted To Smoked Meat
Many species of flies are attracted to the smell of barbecue and smoked food, specifically house flies and horse flies. They have a strong sense of smell and can detect odors from miles away, making them likely to be attracted to the enticing aroma of smoked meats.
How Different Foods Attract Flies
Different types of food release various aromas that attract flies. For example, the smell of raw meat or fish can quickly draw in flies due to their strong odor. Similarly, when meats are being smoked or grilled, the scent intensifies and becomes more appealing to flies. This is particularly true for barbecued and smoked meats as their smoking process imparts unique, rich flavors that are difficult for flies to resist.
The Relation Between Flies and Different Smells
Flies have a heightened sense of smell, allowing them to detect scents from a significant distance. Their olfactory receptors are finely tuned to pick up the odors emitted by various food sources, including smoked meat. As a result, they are able to efficiently locate and hone in on these sources, leading to their attraction to barbecues and smokers.
Effect of Other Outdoor Factors on Attracting Flies
In addition to the smell of smoked food, other factors can contribute to attracting flies. For example, humans exhale CO2, which attracts various fly species, creating a potentially heightened infestation around outdoor gatherings and barbecues. The time of day can also play a role in the presence of flies, as some species, such as mosquitoes, are more active at dusk.
How to Prevent Fly Infestations While Smoking Meat
Maintaining Cleanliness to Deter Flies
One effective way to prevent flies from infesting your smoking area is to maintain cleanliness throughout the area. Regularly clean the smoker, cooking utensils, and surrounding surfaces to remove any food debris or spills that may attract flies.
Additionally, keep trash cans sealed and dispose of garbage regularly. Using bleach & water solution for cleaning can also help to deter flies. Since the smell is not a pleasant one for them and can help cover up smells that would be likely to attract the flies.
How to Make the Area Less Attractive to Flies
To make the smoking area less appealing to flies, start by setting up screen rooms or fly nets around the smoker. This provides a physical barrier that makes it harder for flies to enter the area. Implementing various fly deterrent methods can also be beneficial. Some popular options include:
- Fly traps: Set up commercial or homemade fly traps around the smoker. Sticky fly traps and liquid bait traps can both be effective in capturing flying pests.
- Water bag trick: Hang a clear plastic bag filled with water near the smoker. The way light refracts through the water can confuse and deter flies.
- Sandwich bag of pennies: Similar to water bags, hanging a clear plastic bag with a few pennies inside can also help keep flies away due to light refraction.
- Citronella candles: Place citronella candles around the smoking area, as the smell can help deter flies. This isn’t just a wives’ tale, either, citronella candles have been tested multiple times and for whatever reason flies don’t like them.
- Professional pest control: If fly infestations are persistent, consider hiring a professional pest control company to treat the area and provide further prevention advice.
By employing these methods to maintain cleanliness and make your smoking area less attractive to flies, you can enjoy your delicious smoked meats without the frustration of a pesky fly infestation.
Homemade Fly Traps
Smoking meat can be an enjoyable culinary activity, but it often attracts unwanted guests – flies. By using homemade fly traps, it’s possible to reduce the number of these pesky insects. Here are a few suggested methods that incorporate different components, such as bait, vinegar, dish soap, and more.
One popular homemade fly trap method involves using a zip-lock bag filled with water. By hanging this water bag near the area where the meat is being smoked, the flies are repelled due to the reflection and refraction of light from the water. However, this method primarily acts as a deterrent rather than a trap.
For an effective trapping solution, a pint jar can be utilized. Fill the jar halfway with a vinegar-based bait solution. Apple cider vinegar is a common choice, as its strong scent attracts flies. To prevent the flies from escaping, add a few drops of dish soap to the mixture. This will break the surface tension, making it difficult for the insects to fly away. Cover the jar with a plastic wrap, and secure it with a rubber band. Poke small holes in the plastic wrap, allowing the flies to enter the trap but not exit easily.
Learned about this technique as a way to deal with drain flies in the bathroom. Worked then, and it works for dealing with a lot of them outside, too. Every one that is stuck in the trap isn’t on the meat, on your plate, or crawling on your face.
Another simple fly trap can be made using a water bottle. Cut the top off the bottle and invert it, placing it back into the bottom half like a funnel. Prepare a bait solution using sugar, vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap. Pour this mixture into the bottle, and ensure the flies have no escape path.
It’s worth experimenting with different types of bait in your homemade traps. Some potential options include:
- Sugar and vinegar
- Fruit pieces (such as apple or banana)
- Wine or juice
- Overripe produce
Regardless of the type of bait used, ensure the flies can enter the trap without escaping. By placing these homemade fly traps strategically around the smoking meat, it will significantly reduce the number of flies attracted to the area.
More Smoked Meat – Fewer Flies!
In conclusion, the attraction of flies to smoked meat can be attributed to the odor of meat and rubs present in the BBQ smoke. Certain fly species, known as smoke flies, are inherently drawn to smoke and BBQ environments.
It is essential to keep flies at bay while smoking meat, as they pose a potential hygiene risk. To effectively tackle this issue, consider employing various proven techniques to reduce their presence around your smoker. These may include using fly repellents or implementing traps to prevent them from accessing food surfaces or contaminating the cooking process.
Despite the seemingly unavoidable onslaught of flies during BBQ events, understanding their attraction to smoked meat and taking appropriate measures can significantly help minimize their impact. By acknowledging these factors, you can enjoy delicious smoked meals without the added worry of unwanted guests.
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